HealthyW8 News

Latest news on obesity control and prevention initiatives

World Obesity day

World Obesity Day 2024 inspires global action, emphasizing the importance of healthier lifestyles and supportive policies. The release of the World Obesity Atlas 2024 highlights concerning trends, including rising obesity rates and disproportionate impacts on vulnerable populations.

Newsletter 1

Explore the latest progress and insights of the HealthyW8 project through our new newsletter. Be part of the movement for a healthier Europe!

Team gathered

Meticulously selected experts will contribute to analysis, validation, and advocacy, fostering innovation in the fight against obesity and promoting healthy lifestyles.

Person checking laptop

As part of its engagement strategy, the HealthyW8 Project Surveys are thoughtfully curated to gather critical insights from individuals across Europe, shaping the future of obesity prevention.

Join our stakeholder's database today

Access the database to register for the HealthyW8 Project's transformative workshops addressing the global challenge of obesity and overweight in multiple countries.

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The World Obesity Federation's groundbreaking statement addresses the urgent need to tackle weight stigma as a human rights issue, marking a turning point in the global conversation.

32 congress ECOG

The 32nd Annual ECOG Congress in Albena, Bulgaria united global experts in paediatric obesity to discuss research and strategies. It concluded with sessions on food reformulation, WHO training, and emphasized the fight against childhood obesity worldwide.

Kick Off Meeting Luxembourg

The Kick-off Meeting in Luxembourg gathered 24 partners from 9 countries, uniting to revolutionize obesity prevention through a digital-based lifestyle system.


Discover the newly adopted Zagreb Declaration, a powerful political roadmap to tackle childhood obesity in the WHO European Region. Explore the collective commitment of European leaders' spouses and their urgent call for action.

World Obnesity Atlas

Discover the latest World Obesity Atlas report, published annually by the World Obesity Federation on World Obesity Day.